Note: All of Integrator’s Modules, including Training, work with Detail Screens for Data Input/Review, while the Browser offers its Management Overview, giving facilities for Sorting, Filtering, Exporting, Mail Merging, etc.


For a full appreciation of the data captured by the Training Module, take the Product Tour offered by the Button on the left hand side of this screen.


In summary


The Detail Screens provide facilities for recording…

·          Training Module details.

o         General details – Name/Category/Awarding Body etc.

o         Suitability details – relative to Job Position.

o         Skills/Competencies offered by the Module.

·          Training Course details.

o         General details – Name/Provider/Cost/Duration etc.

o         Venues.

·          Training Event details.

o         General details – Name/date/Venue etc.

o         Attendees.

·          Attendees’ Feedback.


As with most Detail Screens, standard facilities are also provided for recording…

·          Notes.

·          Documents.

·          Reminders.

·          Categories.


Where appropriate, the Module will also link with…

·          Employee Records.

·          Risk Assessments.


For a more detailed overview on Integrator’s Training Module, download the following PowerPoint…

( icon etc followed by _1K50L7I5F.Understand Training Modules.ppt )